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Mobilid Release Notes

Version 1.1.203 beta


  • Target SDK 34
  • Add option to close shipment when all picked.
  • Add support for HIBC barcodes.
  • Add search third party by scan barcode and allow scan barcode value if field empty.


  • Fix exit stock designation list.
  • IF GS1 contains serial and no lot, put serial in lot field

Version 1.1.201


  • Add general setting to disable GS1 parsing.
  • Dispatch Auto scroll to newly added serial number.
  • Allow both lot and serial number GS1 parsing.
  • Add shipment method to picking and picking list.
  • New inventory plus option to always load warehouse stock on change warehouse.
  • New add scan warehouse barcode in inventory plus form.


  • Fix inventoryplus and dispatch batch list should not sort on technical id.
  • Fix warehouses should be loaded before module lists.
  • Fix search by non alpha-numeric char. Should be escaped, not removed and only for local search.
  • Improve GS1 parsing.
  • Fix use quantity in GS1 for picking increment.
  • Fix picking scan different product with same lot number.
  • Fix blank screen on not found barcode scan or only scanned product on scan by camera. Application resume should not refresh list data.

Version 1.1.195


  • Fix ellipsis on batch for picking.
  • Fix missing translation of search field labels and placeholder translation conflict in main settings.
  • Fix search by non alpha-numeric char. Should be escaped, not removed and only for local search.

Version 1.1.194


  • Add https authentication user and password fields
  • Add filling lot fields from GS1 code in InventoryPlus


  • Fix barcode with URL must contain http…
  • Fix GS1 parsing, remove not used variable AI codes, could be false parsed
  • Fix for Android versions not containing '' (like /e/OS which has
  • Fix Bluetooth - Keep getting bonded also if uuid not yet received
  • Fix search starting from preloaded search text

Version 1.1.190


  • Fix wrong translation of cancel button.
  • Fix show MO production page when showing dolibarr.
  • Fix clear detail panel before loading new data.
  • Fix data recover not always working for shipment and MO.
  • Fix set MO to on process when a consumed qty is set.
  • Fix always hide file upload field on form show, should only be shown on demand.
  • Fix manufacture order product searchtext not stored.
  • Deprecate orderline price and set cost_price as critical.
  • Fix Manufacture order checkbox setting 'auto scan new product'.

Version 1.1.187


  • Fix add product image from camera or library for Android 13
  • Fix Step increment Dispatch module

Version 1.1.186


  • Add manufacture order add/edit line mode.
  • New specific Dolibarr Mobilid field to show in product lists, picking list, dispatch list and inventory plus product form. Field is also editable in inventory plus product form.
  • Add support Honeywell CT series PDA with barcode reader.
  • Add support Zebra MC series PDA with barcode reader.
  • Add step increment update from mobilid extrafield.
  • Show product weight an size in picking details. Show calculated weight and size for shipments.
  • Add MO producible status.


  • Fix Manufacture order set picked on other line location/batch.
  • Fix only get batch selected line if product scanned is same as product of line.
  • Fix picking scan non EAN/UPC barcode.
  • Fix authentication loop on connection timeout.
  • Fix hardware backbutton on filterpanel.
  • Fix blank product list after modify by scan barcode. Barcode should be cleared.
  • Fix Scan dispatch, remove packaging prefix and recalc checksum when scan GS1. Also batch should match on scan increment.
  • Fix optionals checkbox field is checked even if raw value is “0”.
  • Fix dispatch lines, refilter because related local filter cleared.
  • Fix GS1 PARSING, only remove start FNC1 to have split of 2 variable length AI's.
  • Fix timezone mismatch, send local timezone info to server.
  • Fix get correct webview version info.

Version 1.1.183


  • New option in inventoryplus and exit stock to search product by scanning GS1-128.
  • Allow scan gs1 in dispatch lines.
  • New module 'Manufacture order picking'.
  • Add support for Zebra TC52,TC53, TC57, TC58, EC50 and EC55.
  • Hide module if not enabled or no rights to read on Dolibarr.
  • Add Designation field for stock movement in inventoryplus module.


  • Fix crash on app destroy for Zebra devices.
  • Fix scan button layout exit stock batch search.
  • Fix only show batches from selected warehouse in inventory.
  • Fix Picking skip not found warning if duplicate batch.
  • Remove warehouse in title option, product list is always grouped.
  • Fix disable sort picker when on line detail screen.
  • Fix avoid reset of selected default customer if customer store not loaded.
  • Fix edit of checkbox type extrafield.
  • Fix visualization of checkbox list type extrafield. Add read only option.
  • Not allow to use php or html file in provider URL.
  • Disable all update price options when multicurrency enabled.
  • Fix allow edit product on 0 stock product.
  • Fix picking scan sometimes not found when product has default warehouse. If batch product selected and scan not found, selected was incremented.

Version 1.1.179


  • Add 'Identify' option.
    • Notify user he has to scan his QR code.
    • Unlock when when QR ok or show error when QR nok.
    • Replace main settings button by lock button for identify enabled user.
    • QR code is license field (can be part of license between the dashes).
    • Show warning when license field empty.
    • Allow switch user by scan when user is in identify mode
  • New mark (grey) shipment in shipment list when scanned product already packaged.
  • Add update of dolibarr cost price field.
  • Improve product form: price should be sell price, tosell tobuy field do not to be visible if filtered.
  • New picking option: Allow creation of negative lines.
  • Add list search to dispatch, purchase, order, picking and shipment.
  • Add list scan to order and purchase.
  • Add option to show validated orders in order module.
  • Add option to add default customer for order.
  • Add sort direction for picking lines sort.
  • Add scan lot value in inventory(plus) product form when empty lot field.


  • Fix, do not load warehouses on unexisting connection.
  • Fix sort on buy price iso sell price for purchase product.
  • Update price in purchase module not available when order by product, so disabled field.
  • Fix update for duplicate identification.
  • Fix problem with option to show virtual stock.
  • Fix missing translations in purchase module.
  • Improve warehouse sort on picking, dispatch and shipment lines.
  • Improve hide bottomtoolbar, now only on very small screen sizes.

Version 1.1.174


  • Improve scan dispatch line, select line warehouse one by one until last.
  • Improve batch picking scan. Increment selected line on scan.
  • Play attention sound when only line selected on picking scan and no qty changed.
  • Add option to add exit/move confirmation.
  • Make step field in object forms decimal.
  • New Module 'Shipment' to make shipping packages.
  • Add Zebra TC51/56/70/75/72/77.
  • Add Datalogic PDA Skorpio X5/Memor 20/Memor 10/Memor 1/Memor K/Joya A6/DL-Axist-X4
  • New Auto dispatch serial number.
  • Improve Picking for serial number.
  • Add new global option to disable warehouse total stock load (better performance on big Dolibarr)
  • Add sort by order date and author to picking order list.
  • New option for inventory module to hide no stock products when a warehouse is selected on the main screen.


  • Fix problem with auto disable module on permission error.
  • Fix edit lot option.
  • Fix reset order qty label before add unit to label.
  • Fix update changed product list stock if decimal.
  • Fix save activity disabled form when there is server error.
  • Fix rounding stock product list.
  • Fix rounding of qty in picking list.
  • Only parse GS1 gtin for inventory/remove if product barcode is EAN or UPC. For picking with GS1 lot, product has to have a gtin type barcode.
  • Fix set pick slot value.
  • Fix dispatch default warehouse for 'lot' products.
  • Fix settings values trim spaces not stored.
  • Fix issue with some SSL certificate on older Android version.

Version 1.1.164


  • Fix dispatch module does not work for new connections.
  • Fix create new product in dispatch module.

Version 1.1.163


  • Update Order Product List and Purchase Product List. Add stock to order product list and improve layout for both.
  • Add cost-price to order product. Show confirm warning when price lower then cost-price.
  • Inform if connector not tested in installed Dolibarr version.
  • Add planned and order date to dispatch list and add sorter.
  • Add shippable status feature.
  • Add customer ref to picking detail.
  • Allow negative order qty.
  • Work on support for serial number lot type.
  • Add option to set default destination warehouse for dispatch.


  • Fix list setGrouped should be done after setRenderTo because dataItems not yet set. (solves issues with sometimes showing empty list).
  • Fix Order product Search and purchase product search list sorting for new remote sort mode.
  • Show message when not able to add product to order.
  • Fix only send unit buy price for stock correction when value modified.
  • Fix scan dispatch lines if product multiple time in list. For example available in more warehouse.
  • Debug connection timeout error handling.

Version 1.1.160


  • Allow scan GS1 with separator codes.
  • Add GS1 parsing to dispatch free.
  • When search multiple words allow natural search.


  • Fix price and price level are critical fields.
  • Fix scan batch can pick wrong batch.
  • Fix warehouseselect should be triggered when targetpanel is shown.
  • Fix dispatch, deliver_date is expected date not date deliver. So not set actual date.
  • Fix scan from mainpanel with activated module.
  • Fix do not set product list title with warehouse if products are from all warehouse.
  • Fix detailpanel, readonly does not block date picker.
  • Fix allow to simultanious order for same customer/supplier.
  • Fix sort change should also sort remote for grouped lists.
  • Fix show correct missing validation field.
  • Fix add product to supplier order in new supplier mode.
  • Fix add new supplier price, always send required values to server.

Version 1.1.155


  • Fix Regression on download pdf feature from inappbrowser, problems with modifications in native dolibarr.
  • Fix Activity on customer not ended when creating order from customer/supplier.

Version 1.1.154


  • Improve generic broadcast receiver.
  • Add zebra TC21/TC26.


  • Fix and improve itemtaphold for lists.
  • Fix list select/deselect for chrome.

Version 1.1.153


  • Add new plugin for reading barcode from generic broadcast receiver.
  • Remember last used exit stock designation if clearsearch disabled.
  • Add edit of order customer and supplier ref.
  • Add more 'Dolibarr' menu button. Done for order, purchase, dispatch, inventoryplus and prospect.
  • Copy hardware related settings from current setting to new setting.


  • Allow enter of decimals for order qty.
  • Fix device detect for new PDA401 firmware.
  • Fix Back button from inventory plus help not working.
  • Fix pdf download from inappbrowser
  • Barcode not found when picking not done in sequential order. Always search from top of list.
  • Mass debug and rework order and product list sort for remote sort.

Version 1.1.152


  • Add sort on code_client and code_supplier.


  • Fix load stock when switching from all warehouse using warehouse scroller.
  • Fix auto add new product on scan new barcode.
  • Multiple fix and improvement on barcode scanning code recognition.
  • Fix connection issues.

Version 1.1.151


  • Add option to copy order extrafields to shipment extrafields.
  • Show virtual stock improvement. As color blue in list, as text in form. Connector 1.0.58 required.


  • Improve GS1 parsing.
  • Fix Bluetooth discovery for Android 10+

Version 1.1.150


  • New freedispatch option to auto scan and add new unexisting product.
  • Allow supplier barcode edit when dispatch.
  • Add scan of description field in warehouse selector.


  • Fix get gtin from undefined or empty GS1data object.
  • Fix load from default warehouse in inventory.
  • Fix do not allow price edit if no base type selected. Improve price - basetype field layout.

Version 1.1.149


  • Fix regression on edit extrafields.
  • Fix OrderProduct should be filtered for only tesell product. PurchaseOrderProduct should be filtered for only product tobuy.
  • Fix regression on inventory count buttons.


  • Split picking controller into base class and final class for future custom picking
  • Remove record audio permission for security warning Play Store.

Version 1.1.147


  • Fix clear newdevices array before discover.
  • Fix bluetooth connection for devices with multi uuid.
  • Fix connect after changing provider url.
  • Add linedetail edit extrafield
  • Fix inapp webview should be default https on android 9+
  • Fix also ask for coarse location permission if no bluetooth discovery done.

Version 1.1.145


  • Play store installation fails on Android 9+
  • Reset connection-timeout on connection successful.

Version 1.1.143


  • Add Dolibarr extra-fields edit.
  • Add support for GZQIANJI pda.
  • Allow add multiple product photo.
  • Default product warehouse will be default warehouse for dispatch and picking.


  • Remove unused and deprecated ref_int field.
  • Fix filter warehouse list stock on product.
  • Add product_type as text in details.
  • Fix list length on slow connection always 25 even if set lower.
  • Fix no need to reload product list if modified product loaded from scan.
  • Fix Long username on main bottombar hides location. Put elipsis on username.
  • Fix no need to confirm load stock from warehouse when switching from 'All' to warehouse.

Version 1.1.142


  • Add paging to orders.
  • Set custom connector as default new connector.
  • Add dolibarr/custom slow connector, slow connectors will set all list limit to 25.
  • Add compatibility to connect bluetooth devices returning multiple uuid.
  • Improve loading of stock locations for +10000 entries.
  • Improve reconnect to lost connections.
  • Add option to allow dispatch one order by multiple users.
  • Allow dispatch qty > ordered qty
  • Add new option module Inventory Plus, with possibility to add and modify product weight and size.


  • Fix dispatch list refresh when returning from modified order.
  • Fix scan warehouse barcode when warehouse not in page of stock location.
  • Fix issues with lot list
  • Fix sortpicker not always shows stored values.
  • Fix menu not always translated.

Version 1.1.136


  • New: add Dolibarr menu button in Picking menu to show active order.


  • Fix barcode scanning in Picking.
  • Fix picking list layout issue.

Version 1.1.135


  • New: add browser panel to show your dolibarr or other web url. Webpage url can also be scanned from barcode.


  • Fix GS1 parsing.
  • Fix lot scanning in Picking.
  • Fix show public and private notes in Picking.
  • Fix performance issue on PDA401.

Version 1.1.130


  • Fix add new contact and event

Version 1.1.129


  • Add compatibility for Newland devices.


  • Fix startup problems on devices with no or not updated Android system webview.

Version 1.1.128


  • Add virtual product visibility for picking.


  • Fix set default https for Android Pie+
  • Fix for latest PDA401 models.

Version 1.1.127


  • Fix scan warehouse barcode in warehouse search list.

Version 1.1.126


  • Add ScanSKU PDA (ipda018) compatibility


  • Fix picking file-required popup should be shown after validation not on back press.
  • Fix order module, order was updated on each product add/increment.
  • Fix grant global discount on supplier order.
  • Fix and improve provider url and identification updates.

Version 1.1.125


  • Fix scan lot/serail barcode in picking list. If lot/serial unique in list, pick lot serial. If lot/serial not unique in list ask to scan product barcode or to select manual.
  • Fix form validation issue.
  • Fix set third-party as client/supplier on order validation.
  • Fix do not show add signature button when connector not ready for this.
  • Remove shutdown toast.


  • Add ScanSKU PDA compatibility

Version 1.1.124


  • Fulfill Google Play August 1 64 bit requirement.


  • Add ScanSKU PDA compatibility

Version 1.1.122


  • Add Zebra TC25 PDA compatibility
  • Add file uploads for picking module. Two new options, choose to upload to order or shipment and make upload required.
  • Add file upload for prospect module. File uploads on propects, contacts and events.
  • Add file uploads for order module. File upload on order and customer.
  • Add file upload on supplier order module. File upload for order and supplier.
  • Add file upload to dispatch. File upload to supplier order.


  • Fix form validation messages.
  • Improve label readability on picking,order and purchase.


  • Add ScanSKU PDA compatibility

Version 1.1.121


  • Add Zebra TC20 PDA compatibility


  • Fix orderline details labels tax and inc tax were switched.
  • Fix update buy price in dispatch free.
  • Fix ignore scan in view when view has loadmask, play missed scan media.
  • Reduce winmate power consumption.
  • Fix bluetooth device switch.
  • Fix bleutooth monitor not restarted on return from settings.


  • Add Zebra TC25 PDA compatibility

Version 1.1.120


  • Fix add new batch in inventory and free dispatch.
  • Fix product updated on only qty change.
  • Fix dispatch can cause SQL error.


  • Add Zebra TC20 PDA compatibility

Version 1.1.119


  • Fix empty inventory productlist on return from scanned product.


  • Add Zebra TC20 PDA compatibility

Version 1.1.118 beta


  • Fix config license scan on fresh install.


  • Add Zebra TC20 PDA compatibility

Version 1.1.117 beta


  • Fix tap dispatch lines.
  • Fix remove module crash, warehouse store corrupt when binding to two selectfields.
  • Fix remove module stock movement label send to dolibarr.


  • Add Zebra TC20 PDA compatibility

Version 1.1.116 beta


  • Add bottom edge swipe of sorters.


  • Fix sync validate order when already validated.
  • Fix update supplier price on dispatch.
  • Fix back from filter for Customer and supplier blanc screen.
  • Fix searching fields.
  • Fix scan product into order when on total tab
  • Fixed dimmed picking lines not visible when selected.


  • Add Zebra TC20 PDA compatibility

Version 1.1.115 beta


  • Fix scan license code.
  • Fix show application version.


  • Add Zebra TC20 PDA compatibility

Version 1.1.114 beta


  • Set font of customers in orderlist to Bold.


  • Fix align text on scanbutton with list.
  • Fix translate of select field options.
  • Fix missing menu translation.
  • Fix Language sync on new user assign.
  • Set picking list striped.
  • Fix html entities conversion.
  • Fix scan other product in Inventory form.
  • Fix Default https only for new connections.


  • Add Zebra TC20 PDA compatibility

Version 1.1.113 beta

New features

  • New user interface, Light theme
  • Detail panel are now readonly forms.
  • Add continuous and read scan mode for PDA401 device.
  • Add mode to auto scan new product into customer order.
  • Add localtax checkboxes for customer and supplier.
  • Add product field fk_default_warehouse, when scanning product in inventory being in all warehouse mode. Stock from default warehouse will be loaded.
  • Add German translation and improve spanish translation.


  • Improve network communication, add callbacks to server syncs.
  • Default connection is now https
  • Update to cordova android 8.0.0
  • Migrate Sencha-Touch 2.4.2 to ExtJs 6.6.0 CE
  • Migrate picto icons to FontAwesome Icons


  • Fix filter stock products.

Version 1.0.109

New features

  • Inventory, when edit price is enabled show editable to sell to buy fields.


  • Update to cordova 8.1.2 and cordova android 7.1.4
  • Update camera barcode scanner to 8.0.2


  • Fix allow order 0 stock products.
  • Fix customer pricelevel was not set on new order creation.
  • Fix load warehouse labels before product list on startup.
  • Fix Data not completely reloaded when switching server.

Version 1.0.105

New features

  • Add sorting picker for picking lines.


  • Fix show loading mask when loading list.
  • Fix lock when scanning in form.
  • Fix create double objects on ajax timeout.
  • Fix pick zero stock products.
  • Fix for latest PDA401 firmware.

Version 1.0.98

New features

  • Add reading of product variant attribute and variation values.
  • Add read product optionals and attributes dispatchfree and order product.
  • Add support for PDA 401 with internal barcode reader.
  • Add sell price modify to free dispatch.
  • Set android targetSdk 26 (Oreo).


  • Fix list refresh after adding photo.

Version 1.0.96


  • Fix blank Stock rule for shipping should allow shipping.
  • Fix double pickings.
  • Fix back button press during object load caused partly loaded objects.
  • Fix “count from zero” option in free dispatch.

Version 1.0.93

New features

  • Show extra-fields in detail panels.
  • Add code_supplier to supplier list and code_client to customer list.
  • Add possibility to hide notes in picking and dispatch list when read.


  • Improve GS1 parsing.
  • Prepare for signature pad.
  • Update to libs cordova 7.1.0 platform android 6.4.0 plugins to latest versions.
  • Replace 'Unknown' warehouse with 'All' warehouse for 0 stock products in picking.
  • Show warehouse in list, also when main location selected.
  • Only stop bluetooth watch on pause, do not disconnect.
  • Add gs1-128 barcode scanning for picking.
  • Add new connector type, to use when module installed in custom folder.
  • Improve background synchronisation and connection notification.
  • Improve Picking, always select scroll to picked line.
  • Remove clearicon from provider URL.


  • Fix Android Oreo compatibility issue.
  • Fix reset of barcode_type for other scan modes.
  • Fix https often entered as Https→ no connection.
  • Fix contact and event details are not shown.
  • Fix events with no end date caused calendar create errors.
  • Fix load warehouse stock after scan from all location.
  • Fix nullpointer crash reports.
  • Fix backbutton suspend on camera scan for android Oreo.
  • Fix bluetooth nothing discovered does not mean not enabled.
  • Fix show lines with 0 and negative stock.
  • Fix list page scrolling with selected item.
  • Fix inventory scanning in main screen.
  • Fix exit stock load stock other warehouse was always same warehouse.

Version 1.0.89


  • Cashed object loaded when selecting other object after network error.
  • Make Product label on on top of product form smaller.

Version 1.0.88


  • Fix regression on auto hide picked lines.
  • Fix Batch list title not always correct.

Version 1.0.87


  • Orderlines containing one or more services were not displayed for picking.

Version 1.0.86

New features

  • Compatible with Winmate E-series rugged tablets with integrated barcode reader.
  • Add support for product units.
  • Add Stock exit easy transfer mode.


  • When all items are picked, set text dimmed, also items in other stock locations.
  • Add default product purchase discount to product list.
  • Dolibarr session kept alive on background.
  • Recovery of ongoing picking.
  • Add tosell tobuy filter in free ditpatch mode.
  • Add search on zip for third-parties and contacts.


  • Removed update product price feature while ordering.
  • Disconnect Bluetooth on app pause, reconnect on app resume.


  • Fix No pick limit on stock for new 0 stock products.
  • Fix sort on warehouse label iso warehouse id.
  • Fix order and purchase issues.
  • Fix list issues with latest Android system webview version 56+.
  • Fix in module barcode scan in free dispatch mode.

Version 1.0.81


  • Do not show services in Exit Stock list.


  • Fix choose warehouse warning.
  • Fix remove connection from non-existing server.

Version 1.0.80


  • Swap “new order' menu button with 'order by product' button.
  • Allow float discounts in Purchase module


  • Fix search field, not all products loaded and character trigger was ignored on first search.

Version 1.0.79


  • Fix prospect filter selections restore.
  • Fix select warehouse from searchfield when product loaded by barcode scanning.

Version 1.0.78


  • New Purchase module
  • Show mini product images on orderlines and orderline modifaction form.
  • Allow scanning of mix of Dolibarr generated (12) and inputed (13) ean codes


  • make auto set delivered optional.
  • Show popup to select location to store stock corrections.


  • Fix warehouse select readonly for orderline edit
  • Fix sort ASC in orderproduct list.
  • Fix orderlines list scrolls to end when scanning barcode
  • Fix orderline increment by countstep on barcode scan
  • Enable count field and buttons on locations select change.
  • Fix for batch product scanning from main screen.
  • Fix add warehouse grouping to dispatchbatchsearch list

Version 1.0.76


  • Set tva_assuj to default 1.
  • In all warehouse mode, add searchable warehouse filter to product list.
  • Add search field for towns.
  • Set global discount should update current line discounts.
  • Add support for price by customer feature.
  • Improve session recovery.
  • Allow to Change Product Movement Label.
  • Add select from photo gallary option.


  • Disable supplier order log comment for dolibarr version >= 4.0.
  • New demoserver url
  • Update to codova android 6.1.2
  • Update cordova plugins to latest versions.
  • Update Camera options to latest Camera plugin.
  • Update phonegap-plugin barcodescanner to 6.0.5.
  • Block shipment when total shipment qty > total ordered qty.
  • Make auto set delivered optional.


  • Fix json error in dispatch details.
  • Fix search filter searchbar not shown on filter show.
  • Fix async issue on shipment validation
  • Fix all items picked and auto validation
  • Fix duplicate shipment lines created after reload order.

Version 1.0.68


  • When step size is set to zero in customer order config, step slider is removed from order form.
  • Always scroll to top in order product form.
  • Set paging on filter lists.
  • Improve session expiring handling on order picking.
  • Show company logo in prospect list.
  • Possibility to add new lot in inventory module (enable lot edit mode for this).
  • When lot edit mode enabled, filter lot list by warehouse.
  • Replace some alerts by toasts.
  • Enable scanning of lot codes when in 'All' warehouse mode.
  • Add 1 - 2 - 3 chars trigger mode for search fields.


  • Contact not linked to Third party when creating order for private individual.
  • Reset discount value when adding other product to customer order.
  • Bluetooth discovery on Android 6.0
  • Update free customer order lines
  • when adding new product after edit orderline, product sometimes not loaded.

Version 1.0.64

New features

  • Improved camera scanner: follow device orientation, use front camera and recall cached barcode scans.
  • Edit order line label and description.
  • Add a customer contact to create a private individual orders.
  • Show total order discount.
  • Add services to orders.
  • Add sort to order list and show planned delivery date.
  • Option to hide order lines with zero stock.
  • Add filter and sort options to product list.
  • Add Italian translation.
  • Scanning product barcode of lot product while shipping, will jump to each lot available.
  • Add Eyoyo barcode reader compatibility.
  • Add step increment settings for shipping and ordering.
  • Allow dispatching to existing lot.


  • Do not load lines from inactive warehouses.
  • Clear searchfield did not reload remote data.
  • Shipping of free order lines.
  • Use stock rule setting of Dolibarr for ignoring stock qty on ordering and shipping.
  • Use Dolibarr permission to show only companies linked to user.

Version 1.0.59

New features

  • Option to disable camera scanner.
  • Option to always clear searchfields.
  • Show price exl. and price inc. in stead of stock qty in product list in order module.
  • Add total inc. and user author to orderlist in order module.
  • Show more info in orderlines list in order module.


  • Copy customer order notes to shipment notes.
  • Enlarge list items.
  • Change asked value in picking list to qty still to ship.
  • Improved list performance.
  • Put limit on list page length, max limit page size setting to 500.
  • Swap order - orderlines tabs and replace 'Add product' button to '+' button in title bar.


  • Displaying of public and private notes.
  • Set delivered on multiwarehouse picking.
  • Display loading mask on order list refresh.
  • Use subprice (unit price HT) for updating orderlines.
  • Backbutton tap in camerascanner will not trigger back in module screen.

Version 1.0.56

New features

  • Add 'grant discount' option to customer order, sets all discount values of created orderlines.
  • Add 'tax included' 'tax not included' selection for sell prices.


  • Upgrade cordova framework to 6.0.0
  • Allow editing of 'for sale' and 'for buy' in free-dispatch.
  • Show stock location in product list title iso 'Product'.
  • Improve loading time.
  • Allow fixing batches with batch qty not equal to product stock qty.
  • Allow product scanning in free-dispatch product list when all stock locations visible.


  • Remove required indication from add-key field.
  • 'for sale' and 'for buy' validation in free-dispatch.
  • Free-dispatch product list did not contain all products when switching from stock location to all stock locations.
  • Show warehouse of record in dispatch batch list title.

Version 1.0.54

New features

  • Add Generalscan barcode reader support


  • Add lot editing to inventory
  • Move product price setting from inventory to dispatch
  • Add Customer VAT and shipping method fields to order creation
  • Add increment on barcode scan in order product add screen


  • Inventory list refresh looping.
  • Product barcode scan in order item list
  • Customer order TVA calculation
  • Date sync to server in other timezone
  • Picking list layout and sorting
  • Stop bluetooth activity when bluetooth adapter no enabled
  • Reload list on server sync error
  • All dispatched and hide dispatched calculation
  • Oderstatus setting on shipping
  • Copy order shipment-method and incoterms to shipping

Version 1.0.46

New features

  • When auto save is enabled, save and load other product when scanning other product barcode.
  • Possible to change order item sell price.
  • When making new order, option added to select if user uses VAT.
  • Option to change product sell price in order module.
  • Option to change product buy price in inventory module.


  • Add cycling to qty and discount spinners, qty will cycle to stock qty when tapping minus on zero qty, discount will cycle to 100% when tapping minus on zero discount.
  • Add attention color option to auto save messages.


  • State not always shown in customer form.
  • Fix long loading time of picking and dispatch lines.
  • Many fixes on order module.

Version 1.0.44

New features

  • 0000163: New optional Module 'Stock Exit', easy remove items from your stock for internal usage.
  • 0000165: Add option to hide dispatched supplier order lines.


  • Remote search and remote paging in stock-locations list.
  • Scroll to selected product when returning to product list in inventory module


  • 0000164: Search field on sub search list (contact and agenda) not cleared.
  • 0000162: Remove localdata and re-init module when switching user.

Version 1.0.42

New features

  • 0000154: Auto Save option added in main settings. Everything is auto saved, except orders still have to validate.
  • 0000155: Improve lot/serial scanning in dispatch. Scanning barcode in batch product will set batch field with barcode. If barcode is GS1-128, batch, sellby, eatby and qty will be set with GS1 data. If no product barcode, will be set with GS1 GTIN barcode if available. If Gtin barcode does not match product barcode, warning will be shown. Scanning batch in batch search list, will load batch, also in 'all' location mode. Scanning GS1-128 in dispatch search list will show all orders containing GTIN barcode.


  • 0000159: 'Count from zero' changed to 'Step is default qty', so value set in count step field will be set as default qty in inventory and dispatch forms. When set, auto-save is disabled.
  • 0000150: Swap Product fields with Stock fields in inventory and dispatch forms. Scroll fields to top to avoid keyboard hiding field.
  • 0000152: Always auto reconnect bluetooth device when it returns from stand-by on android version >= 4.3.


  • 0000153: Always refresh stock location list with new stock.

Version 1.0.38

New features

  • Add Skype to Call options.
  • Add searchable Locations screen with stock info when 10+ warehouses are available.


  • Fixed some UI issues.
  • Fixed some barcode scanning issues
  • Fix 0000145 when adding batch product to customer order duplicate order-lines for each batch were returned.
  • Fix 0000141 Android 5.1.1 compatibility.
  • Add more translations to Dolibarr errors, show error message for a longer time.
  • Fix picking, when auto-hiding enabled, complete picked lines were not stored. When picking multiple orders, only first order was validated.
  • Fix #0000148 Step slider not always changing value, replaced by more clear spinner field.
  • Fix #0000149 Activity tracking not correctly registered.
  • Fix #0000150 Form field stays covered by keyboard on older Android devices, show prompt for text fields and number fields on android version less 4.2
  • Fix #0000146 Increase data loading timeout, because loading time increased when using product photos.
  • Fix #0000147: Do not upload existing photo again when saving, only upload new added photo when saving product/stock changes.

known Issues

  • Can only add landscape photo's on Samsung devices.

Version 1.0.35

New features

  • Show and add product photos.
  • Option to show dispatched supplier orders.
  • Option to validate new customer orders.
  • Option to hide picked lines.
  • Option to use inventory code. (Dolibarr 3.8 required)
  • Add comment to each dispatched product line.
  • MioWork MioCare build-in Barcode Reader support.
  • When scanning other prod in inventory form and nothing is changed, load other product.
  • Cordova 5.0.0 update


  • Fixed some UI issues.
  • Int - Float issue on stock count.
  • Move batch to other warehouse.
  • Order product form not properly loaded

known Issues

  • Not working on latest android 5.1.1 webview, workaround by removing webview update.
  • Can only add landscape photo's on Samsung devices.

Version 1.0.31


  • Loading Prospect events
  • Store filters on prospects, order products and order customers for each user.

Version 1.0.30

New features

  • Add refresh button to refresh all lists.
  • Show company name in title bar for Multi company usage.
  • Inventory: Field with default min unit price to update pmp and add pmp to product details.


  • Re-translate detail panels when language reload.
  • Show duplicate identification message when try to login with same identification.
  • Also transfer pmp value.
  • Bluetooth device discovery when multiple devices are in discovery mode.
  • Framework: Update to Cordova 3.7.1 to fix lost android V4.0.3 compatibility.

Version 1.0.28

New features

  • Add Purchase order Dispatch add-on module.
  • Inventory: Add move stock for batch products.
  • Picking: Add option to Sort order list.
  • Picking: Add filter for orders assigned to user.


  • Auto reload localization translations from server when new connector version installed.
  • Enable new connector API when new connector detected during startup.


  • Sync module list iso reload on modules start when provider changed.
  • Update stock in product list only with changed qty, not batch qty.
  • Disable swipe pick, not stable on some devices.
  • Do not change lines sorting order during picking.
  • Fix view issue in Order help screen.

Version 1.0.22


  • set all search field text empty when app closes.


  • Inventory: save barcode also when stock not changed

Version 1.0.21

New features

  • Show app, connector and Dolibarr version in main settings view
  • 0000102 Picking: Show order notes on top of order list (optional in settings)
  • 0000096: Add barcode and select type when barcode field is empty in inventory module


  • Indentifation must be unique, except on demo server
  • 0000101 Lengthen product labels in product lists (35 → 100)
  • 0000098 Picking: put order ref number in title bar
  • 0000097 Picking: show stock when device >= 360 pixels wide
  • Store searchtext of ContactSearch and ActionSearch
  • 0000094: Add Mobilid and Mobilid user (Identification) to stock movement and transfer labels


  • Search when search text is stored on module load.
  • Don't remove bluetooth icon when using wrong barcode scanner type and purge received data
  • Fix and improve bluetooth connect on Android API +18
  • Fix bluetooth crash on Android API +18
  • Only show batches for product from one warehouse
  • reload product search list when saved settings
  • Inventory set warehouse select readonly iso disabled
  • reload batchlist with correct parameters + also reload product list to update stock count
  • add callback on check bluetooth supported
  • Only load and show barcode types with connecter version +18
  • Refresh product list when product moved from 0 unknown to X warehouse

Version 1.0.16

New features

  • 0000091: count from zero, add inventory setting to enable count from zero.
  • Add flag to settings to hide auto system events in agenda event list.


  • Upgrade to sencha-touch 2.4.2
  • 0000093: Move day, week and month menu buttons to menu in calendar panel + cleanup calendar header css.
  • Do not show auto system events in calendar.
  • Make calendar event bar better readable.
  • Grey-out disabled records and block loading them.
  • Remove agenda button from contact menu to simplify navigation
  • Translation update


  • 0000089: Help pages were black text on dark grey background.
  • 0000090: Show product ref in title bar whenr searchbatch is shown.
  • update stock_reel in product batch list after stock count validation.
  • Update total order price when deleting order line.
  • Set default value for adding orderproduct to 0 when stock is 0.
  • Don't show first contact for events without contact.
  • Only filter on system events with connectorversion > 1.0.17
  • Show loading mask when scanning product to add to Order.

Version 1.0.15


  • Fixed call prospects/contacts issue.
  • Improved calendar view.

Version 1.0.14

Mobilid version 1.0.14 requires connector version 1.0.17 for using new features.

New features

  • 0000084 Add batch system compatibility to inventory module.
  • 0000085 Add batch system compatibility to picking module.
  • 0000068 Add country and state selectfields into customer form.
  • 0000088: Add general option to trim characters from scanned barcode.
  • 0000075: Scan customer barcode for new order.
  • 0000087: Add an option to picking to turn on 'auto' validation when confirming shipment.


  • Architect upgrade 3.0 → 3.1
  • Sencha touch upgrade to 2.4
  • Change server errors, welcome message, bluetooth errors and not-found action to auto disappearing popups (Toasts)
  • Add version dependent proxy config, don't try to load stores which are not available in connector version.
  • Add stock_id field for products and orderlines.
  • Remove splashscreen and close (changed) apploadingindicator on launch.
  • Shown notfound when scanning wrong barcode in inventory screen.
  • Add price and tax formating in language files
  • Show warning when picking from multiple warehouses on Dolibarr version < 3.7.


  • 0000086 changed popup text qty asked reached.
  • Fix ports issue in provider URL.
  • Reset server exception when connecting new or corrected setting to show errors.
  • Show connection failed in toolbar when server error occurs when mainview is shown.
  • Show 'not found' when unknown product was scanned while adding orderlines.
  • Update productlist record for correct warehouse
  • Add callbacks to bluetooth init method.
  • Init bluetooth listeners on launch and close bluetooth task properly on exit.
  • Improve bluetooth device discovery.
releasenotes.txt · Last modified: 2024/08/16 15:05 by fappels