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Mobilid Android ERP/CRM client


Application download and installation

Search for ‘Mobilid’ in the Google Play application store on your device or click here. After installation you should find the Mobilid Icon on your device home screen or in the downloaded applications list. Tap the Icon to launch the application.

Application configuration

Connector setup

On first installation the application will show the setup screen by default, you can always change these settings. To be able to connect to the ERP system server, you will need to set the server url and a name to identify yourself. You can’t enter your personal user account of the used system. Instead you need to enter a name (for example your first name) to identify yourself to the server. The server administrator needs to assign a system user account to your identification. Only after this assignment you can access the server data. See Dolibarr connector documentation for instructions. You also need to provide this name when requesting your license key. You can share your device with multiple users or connect to multiple servers. Each user-server combination has its own application settings. When you change your system user-display language or if the connector is upgraded to a newer version, you will need to synchronize the display language. Connector Setup

Assignment Confirmation On first connect, the server administrator has to assign a system user to your connection request. Tap ‘yes’ when assignment is done, if successful you will get a message with the assigned system user and will go to the Main application screen.

Mobilid Connect Tutorial

Bluetooth setup

If your device has bluetooth capability, you can configure an external bluetooth barcode scanner in the setup screen.

Following devices are supported:

  • Microvision ROV
  • Opticon OPN-2002

If you want to know if your device can be supported, contact:

Bluetooth setup

Bluetooth search

Bluetooth pair When pairing a new bluetooth device you will need to enter a PIN code from the pairing device, for the OPN2002 you will need to enter the last 4 characters of the device name. If the characters contain alpha characters you need to enable Alpha-Numeric input mode. In this example you will need 4BEE (in uppercase !).

connection ==== A demo connection is available at Use this URL in the 'provider' field and you can connect to the demo by entering any text in the 'indentification' field. If you want to add products or validate orders, you can login into the demo Dolibarr setup with login 'demo' and password 'demo'.

For trying inventory barcode scanning, there is a product available with barcode:

For trying customer barcode scanning, there is a customer available with barcode:

Scan customer barcode in customer search screen to add a new order for this customer in the order module.

Application usage

Home screen description

After app startup, the following screen will always be shown:

Home screen

Main menu Almost ervery screen has its own menu, this is the main menu:

Inventory Module

Module to do products inventory.

Mobilid Inventory Tutorial

When the inventory module is started you will get a product search screen.

Inventory search

Multi warehouse search Normally, when counting stock, you first select your current warehouse location in the main screen menu. If you don't select a specific warehouse, the product list will be grouped by available warehouses.

Inventory module settings

Inventory settings

Product count

You can change the stock count by changing the stock field value or by the increment - decrement buttons. You can alter the step size for these buttons, to count for example rows of products on a pallet.

Inventory count

Move Stock

By changing the warehouse selectfield, you can move stock from current warehouse to selected warehouse.

Move stock

Validate stock count

Validate inventory When you return from the inventory count screen, you will be asked to validate your stock count. If you should forget to return to the home screen, for example you switch to another app and Mobilid is stopped by the OS, your current changes are always stored and will be reloaded when starting the module again.

Bluetooth barcode scanning

Scanning a barcode with a bluetooth scanner in the inventory module will do:

Scan in main screen when inventory module active

Product will be loaded if found in Dolibarr. When your location is 'all' warehouse, you will have to select a warehouse in the product screen before you can start counting your stock. If you set a specific warehouse location in the main screen, you can immediately start counting stock.

Scan in product search list

Same as scanning from main screen.

Scan in product batch search list

Product batch will be loaded for a scanned batch code, product code cannot be scanned. You must select a warehouse location in the main screen to be able to scan batch codes.

Scan in product count screen

Product count will be incremented by one, scanning a wrong barcode will give a warning signal. When product is batch managed you need to scan the batch code of the product. Remember to clear stock count to zero when counting from scratch.

Order Picking Module

Module to collect customer orders, select order from list:

Picking Search

Pick product by tapping the product line and select the pick count, or pick one item by simply swiping the product line. If a barcode scanner is available, simply scan the barcode and the picked count will be incremented.


Picking notify You will get a visual and audio alert when Asked or system Stock limit is reached.

Multi picking Multiple users can pick from the same order list. When an order is being picked by another user, there be a lock icon visible in the list. If you still do open the order, you will get an alert. If the order was not finished properly by yourself (no cancel or validation), the lock symbol will also appear. In this case you won't get an alert when opening the order.

Prospect module

Module to contact prospects and make appointments.

Company search, fitler and sort

 Prospect search

 Prospect search menu

 Prospect settings

 Prospect filter

Prospect processing

View, edit or communicate with company.


Prospect menu

Show and add Contacts

View, edit or communicate with contact.

Contact search

Contact search menu


Contact menu

Show and add Agenda events

Show, edit and add agenda events.

Agenda search

Agenda search menu


Agenda menu

Agenda month

Agenda day

Order module

Select or create new draft order

Order search Select a draft order from lis to modify order or tap 'New order' button to create a new blank order.

Order settings

Module settings

Order View order, change payment conditions or add products/services to order. Tap the add product button to search and add a new product or service. Orders and order-lines are instantly created on the remote server. Order totals are calculated by the server.

Order lines Change or remove orderlines. Scan product barcode to add new product or increment existing order-line containing scanned product.

Create new order

Customer search Search, filter and sort customers, select or create a new customer for creating a new order.

Customer Change customer attributes if necessary by tapping the edit button from the menu. Entering country and state is not yet provided for a customer, you will have to change this in the ERP system. Tap the order button to create a new draft order for the customer.

Add products/services to order

Product search Search, fitler and sort products, select product or service to add to order.

Product Adjust required quantity and discount and tap 'Add to order' or 'Save' if you are editing existing orderline.

androidclientuserguide.1414585994.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/10/29 13:33 by fappels