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Mobilid Android client specifications

Device Platform requirements

  • Mobilid runs on Android 4.4+ devices.
  • Please contact if your device can not install Mobilid.
  • The user interface is designed to use on small en medium screensizes (smartphones and small tablets).

System resources and licensing

Mobilid is a stand-alone application commercial licensed by Z-Application.

Business MVC platform

Mobilid is build upon ExtJS Commercial license.

Device platform

Mobilid uses Apache Cordova 10.0.0/Cordova android 8.1.0 for device related code, Apache 2.0 licensed.

Non standard Cordova plugins

Source control

All Mobilid sources are secured on a BitBucket Git repository.

Bug and Feature tracking

You can register on Mobilid Track to report and view bugs and feature requests.

androidclientspecs.txt · Last modified: 2024/05/28 18:13 by fappels