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Mobilid Android client specifications

Device Platform requirements

  • Mobilid runs on Android 4.0.3+ devices. Please contact if your device can not install Mobilid.
  • The user interface is designed to use on small en medium screensizes (smartphones and phablets).

System resources and licensing

Mobilid is a stand-alone application commercial licensed by Z-Application.

Business MVC platform

Mobilid is build upon Sencha-Touch 2.3.1 Commercial license. Models and Views are build with Sencha Architect 3.

Device platform

Mobilid uses Apache Cordova 3.4.0 for device related code, Apache 2.0 licensed.

Non standard Cordova plugins

  • Zxing barcode scanner version 4.3.1, Apache 2.0 licensed.
  • Bluetooth spp client, Z-Application licensed.
  • Device platform info, Z-Application licensed.
  • OrientationLock, Z-Application licensed.
androidclientspecs.1406716266.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/07/30 12:31 by fappels